To continuously improve our business in environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health and safety issues,

To support the elimination of poverty by creating employment opportunities regardless of religion, language, race, age and culture,

To ensure the reduction of waste and prevent waste by producing safe food under the roof of our business,

To provide safe food by taking care of the healthy and balanced nutrition of our guests and employees,

To regularly carry out health checks and trainings of our employees within the scope of occupational health and safety studies,

To employ our educated employees in positions suitable for their education, to support our employees who are continuing their education or who want to receive education,

To adopt the elimination of all kinds of gender discrimination in all our activities towards all our employees and guests as a fundamental human right and to act in accordance with gender equality,

To act in accordance with water safety criteria and to reduce water consumption per person, to carry out regular water analyses and routine checks in our facilities, to ensure that it is sent to the wastewater line,

To reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing renewable energy sources in our facilities' activities and new investments,

To ensure that all our renewed equipment consists of less energy consuming and environmentally friendly materials,

To contribute to the healthy growth of the global economy, especially locally and nationally, in all activities of our facilities,

To closely follow technological advances and adopt adaptation as a principle,

To always prioritize the principle of “Equal Workload, Equal Pay” among our employees,

To fulfill our responsibilities for the protection of natural areas and our cultural heritage,

To create a good Waste Plan in our business and to ensure that our waste is disposed of by licensed companies,

To inform our guests and employees in order to ensure the efficient use of our natural resources,

To carry out studies to reduce our Carbon Footprint resulting from our activities in our facilities and to ensure that they are followed up, in this context, to encourage our guests, employees and individuals around us to use vehicles that do not create exhaust emissions such as public transportation, bicycles, etc.

To raise awareness of our employees with the drills we conduct against natural disasters that come with climate change,

To ensure the continuity of the Blue Flag criteria on our coast and to work to protect the habitats of marine life and to create a healthy breeding environment,

To protect the ecological system in the terrestrial areas of our facilities, to ensure the protection and sustainability of the natural life around us by monitoring invasive species,

To have an effective management principle based on peace, stability, human rights and the rule of law,

To act together with our stakeholders with whom we have all kinds of activities and interactions for sustainability, to be in sharing,


We are an institution that has adopted “continuous improvement” as its goal, believing that we can always do better by providing an environment suitable for the conditions of SİDE SUN HOTELS. We undertake to provide maximum satisfaction by determining the expectations and needs of our guests, employees, suppliers and third parties in advance, to ensure that everyone can convey their complaints to us at any time and to protect their rights, to provide safe food for our guests, employees, suppliers and third parties, and to carry out all activities related to the protection and sustainability of the environment, and to fulfill the applicable conditions of the Integrated Quality Management System. We constantly measure and improve our service quality and satisfaction.

In a period when the opportunities offered by hotels are so close to each other, we never compromise on our quality service approach by meeting the needs and expectations of our guests, employees, suppliers and third parties to the highest level with the service we offer. By complying with the legal conditions regarding all our activities and working in line with international standards, we aim to be a leading hotel in Turkey and recognized worldwide. In our business, we produce and offer healthy, hygienic foods in accordance with food safety laws and hygiene standards in the stages of raw material procurement, storage, preparation and presentation of foods.

Establishing a risk management methodology for our facility, guests and suppliers, which includes defining information assets, determining risks and taking control measures regarding risks in order to comply with the confidentiality, integrity and principles of the information security management system requirements, Protecting the confidentiality of information belonging to our guests, ensuring compliance with standard and legal regulations, Providing the necessary resources and continuity for the necessary hardware, software, training and other controls to reduce Information Security risks, Providing awareness, training and incentives to ensure that all personnel and business partners participate in and comply with the ISMS as required by the holistic approach of information security, We ensure that the efficiency of the information security management system is controlled, monitored, reviewed and continuously improved by making the system compatible with internal and external audits.

In order to minimize the risks that will endanger the health and safety of our guests, employees, suppliers and third parties and to prevent work accidents, continuous improvement is made in all our processes and the latest technologies are followed.

The education of our employees, the protection of human rights and the equal rights they enjoy regardless of religion, language and race are our indispensable rules.

With the importance we give to teamwork and education, our peaceful working environment, love, respect and trust for each other and the service we produce, we ensure that our employees feel as privileged as our guests.

In order to protect the environment we live in and to ensure the necessity of sustainable tourism; We comply with the laws, regulations, legislation and regulations published in our country regarding the environment and fulfill all requirements completely.

While conducting our purchasing activities, we identify the environmental impacts, control the negative impacts, potential hazards and our wastes, and strive to minimize the use of natural resources, energy consumption, air, water and soil pollution. We ensure that environmental awareness is adopted not only by our employees, but also by Guests, employees, suppliers, third parties and authorized bodies, and we contribute to the production of environmental protection projects by cooperating with local governments, supplier companies and non-governmental organizations. We take all necessary precautions to provide high quality service, provide employment, protect and enrich natural life in the places we are located, and we share all our activities with the public in order to protect our environment.


With the awareness and responsibility that comes from our hotels being one of the leading organizations in the region in tourism,

we aim to fully fulfill all the requirements of human rights and children's rights by accepting all our guests, including children and vulnerable groups, as equals,

and acting accordingly with the awareness that women, children, elderly, disabled and individuals with special needs are groups that must be respected,

recognizing each child as an individual, respecting their rights to live, develop and be protected, and watching over and protecting them against all kinds of psychological, physical, commercial, etc. exploitation,

acting with the awareness that vulnerable groups and children must be kept away from all kinds of approaches and abuse that will negatively affect them physiologically and psychologically, and that sensitivity must be shown in communication,

providing environments and opportunities that contribute to the development of children within the facility, where they can express their thoughts, wishes and feelings freely, and where they can feel free and comfortable,

To provide regular training to all our staff to ensure that they are informed about the protection of vulnerable groups and children's rights and to ensure their continuous development.

To take the necessary legal and administrative measures within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Social State concept included in our Constitution, to improve all necessary conditions and

to support children to participate in life more effectively and happily.

To ensure that children are under adult supervision in the activities they participate in,

To inform the hotel management first when we witness suspicious actions regarding children,

to inform the law enforcement authorities when deemed necessary.


Use of Accommodation

Staff accommodations ,at Side Sun Hotels are available for the use of all our staff who wish to benefit from this right.


There are members of different religions, languages ​​and races in our company and hotel, both as guests and personnel. Our basic principle is that no one is subject to discrimination in terms of gender, religion, language and race. This issue is also explained in the orientation trainings given by the HR department and the staff is ensured to adopt it. In addition, employee rights and the importance given to this issue are emphasized in the orientation trainings given by the HR Department.

Personnel Services

We provide transportation for our personnel working in different shifts with our service vehicles free of charge. Our service vehicles, whose schedule is arranged according to working hours, provide transportation.

Staff Dining Hall

All food served in the staff cafeteria is free for our employees. At least 3 different meals, salads and desserts/fruits are offered within the 14-day menus.

Employee Health

There is an infirmary in our hotel that our employees can use. They are provided with free support from the Workplace Physician. Various private hospitals and our managers are provided with complementary health insurance.

Laundry Use

For all our employees, work uniforms and all work-related wear are cleaned and delivered sterile, free of charge.


In our facility, internal and external trainings with different contents are provided in line with the annual training plans. These trainings aim to increase the competence and knowledge level of our personnel.

Orientation training, On-the-job training, Occupational health and safety training, First aid training, Fire training, Environmental protection training, Energy efficiency and savings training, Management system training, Personal development training, Hygiene and food safety training, Sustainable Tourism training.

Career Management

We provide internship opportunities for tourism students to gain experience in business life. We support our employees with training and career management programs. We aim to train our employees as much as possible and meet the required positions within our own organization.

Employee Suggestions and Opinions

A Personnel Satisfaction Survey is conducted to evaluate the suggestions and opinions of our employees. The survey results are meticulously evaluated and necessary improvements are planned.


At the end of each year, a “Staff Night” is organized where all employees and their spouses participate to relax and bond.

Every month, the “Staff of the Month” is selected and they are rewarded.

Every month, employees whose birthdays are celebrated with a birthday party and a cake is cut.

With our Sustainable Supply approach, to ensure that our suppliers and all business partners we receive service from support Sustainable Tourism,

To establish long-term relationships with our suppliers based on mutual trust, effective communication and business partnership,

to adopt the principle of mutual gain in order to provide high quality products and services,

To act in accordance with the principles of ‘Fair Trade’ and ‘’Equal Opportunity’’ in purchasing products and services for our business,

To contribute to the development of local producers and the development of the region by preferring local production and service providers.

Imported products are supplied only if there are no local alternatives or if local alternatives are not of the expected and desired quality.

To provide products and services in the desired quality, quantity and time,

with the most suitable conditions through effective market research,

To choose our suppliers from those who meet their legal obligations and the occupational health and safety requirements of their employees.

To choose our suppliers from those who do not have harmful effects on the environment, comply with legal regulations,

Have an Environmental Management System or have an internationally accepted certificate,

To choose recyclable disposable and consumable materials that we have to use in our purchasing processes,

Purchasing of consumables and single-use goods, including food, is carefully managed to minimize waste.

To choose eco-friendly products, economical, recyclable and recycled materials,

To choose suppliers that comply with the legislation defined within the framework of national and international laws on child labor and that do not hinder children's education,

To choose suppliers that pay attention to the protection of wildlife, animal rights and natural habitats,

To choose suppliers that comply with national and international regulations and from stakeholders that value human rights,

When choosing our suppliers; we avoid situations that will allow bribery, corruption, conflict of interest,

we protect the intellectual property rights of our business partners and make sure that they work in accordance with legal regulations and business ethics in every field,

by preferring local and cultural products at the purchasing stage,

to strengthen the socio-economic structure of our country and to ensure the promotion of its culture.





To provide our guests with an environment and service where they will feel comfortable and peaceful.


By continuously improving our quality, our aim is to make our hotels a facility and brand that is known and preferred by everyone.


Guest Focus

Team Spirit


Ethical Values


Solution Focused


Using Resources Effectively and Efficiently


Participatory Management


Giving Importance to Technology

Social Responsibility Awareness

Working Environmentally Sensitive and Human-Oriented
